What is the Internet


Internet networks by area of operation


Personal Area Network (PAN) is a network built "around" a person. Such networks are designed to unite all personal electronic...


A local network is a group of several devices that are interconnected through a network and are actually located in...


A campus area network (CAN) is a computer network that covers a limited geographic area. CANs interconnect multiple local area...


Wide Area Network (WAN) is a computer network covering vast territories (i.e. any network whose communications connect entire metropolitan areas,...

Internet connection

How to find out the connection type

To set up your router, you need to know your Internet connection type. Look, it is probably specified in the contract for connection. If it is not there, the easiest and most correct course of action is to call customer service. They will tell you what type of connection you...

Types and kinds of Internet connections

Wired connection types

Dial-up Access or Dial-UpA type of network connection that dates back to the 90s. Dial-up access is still used in places where there is a...

Wireless connection types

Wi-FiThe main advantage of Wi-Fi is that data transfer takes place without wires, through the air, using invisible radio waves. The technology only creates a local network in which different devices (laptops, printers, smartphones) can exchange data without going online. And only when connecting to a provider (via router, modem,...

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